Our Partners do not have a cookie cutter approach. We spend a tremendous amount of effort to understand the dynamics of the firm and what is important to ownership as they move toward a transaction. For every seller there are twenty qualified buyers. It is not whether the company will be sold but rather if the buyers can meet our sellers’ expectations.
At Briggs, we understand every client is unique. That's why we avoid hard-sell pitches and cookie-cutter approaches. Instead of pushing you toward a transaction, we pay close attention to your individual needs and strive to find the right solution for you.
When you contact Briggs, you will speak to seasoned professionals with decades of experience in business consulting, finance and brokerage.
Through careful, thought-provoking questions, we develop a deep understanding of your particular circumstances, including your business practices, long-term strategy and capital needs.
Then we apply our own specialized expertise to develop a solution custom-tailored for you.
We never steer you into a strategy, reorganization or transaction unless we firmly believe it is the right answer for you and your business. And we work in partnership with you to unlock, position and package the full value of your assets.
“The secret to getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking down your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and starting on the first one.” Mark Twain